I walk the path in front of me
Moving towards nowhere
The trees, the birds, the scenic beauty around me
Captures my attention to the fullest.
Immersed in their beauty
I forget my destination
But the path is there
And nature’s leading me through
I keep walking
Not knowing wither to
But my mind isn’t sceptical
My mind isn’t confused
I am just my relaxed self
On my journey to nowhere
It no longer matters where my destiny is
I’m there
In this moment
Where I am
At this instant
In the midst of this very essence of beauty
Dancing to nature’s music
To the rhythm of my tapping feet
Of the branches swaying in the wind
Of the fountain of leaves co-ordinating the tunes
Moving towards nowhere
The trees, the birds, the scenic beauty around me
Captures my attention to the fullest.
Immersed in their beauty
I forget my destination
But the path is there
And nature’s leading me through
I keep walking
Not knowing wither to
But my mind isn’t sceptical
My mind isn’t confused
I am just my relaxed self
On my journey to nowhere
It no longer matters where my destiny is
I’m there
In this moment
Where I am
At this instant
In the midst of this very essence of beauty
Dancing to nature’s music
To the rhythm of my tapping feet
Of the branches swaying in the wind
Of the fountain of leaves co-ordinating the tunes

In the crowd of natural substance
I walk the path of life
Enjoying my journey...Unbothered of destiny
You always succeed in sustaining the reader's attention and interest, once started it is hard to stop midway..
Way to go Nive.. Keep posting.. Hope to read more of your posts in the days to come :-)..