Today has been a day of gifts!!!!
And I've been doing a happy dance since morning!
Infact it started last night when a much awaited amount of money hit our account and then I got a discount in an order I placed with a grocer!
Today, I was a little upset about something from last night and was in question of how can I change it. The awareness I received was "What can I be grateful for here?" and I knew right away! That changed my mood to a bouncy one and we left home to pick up some stuff. Right then, I received a pending amount from someone and they chose to send a round off, making me the beneficiary! I was glowing in that, when she also offered me an unmatchable offer on her classes! So much gratitude!
While I was just jumping with joy at that, the local coconut vendor decides to give us a discounted price on the tender coconuts; just for us!
On our way back home from there, I was elated and literally shouting "Thank you Universe!!!!!" and at the next stop, the vegetable vendor gives the small cabbage for free! Come home and a parcel of Khakra from Jasmin, a friend is waiting at the gate! And how do I know her? By a circle I created last year to bring some beautiful energies into our lives.
I say all this to my child and he goes ahead and scratches some UPI cards bringing in some more cashbacks!
How Does it get Even better than this?
Am going crazy! My world is so full of gratitude now!!! What would it take to exponentialise this?
It is amazing how a little breeze of gratitude we send out in the universe returns a multitude, a Wave of returns! How acknowledging all the things we receive, little and big make a big difference!
Pic courtesy: Thank you for the hand painted gratitude mandala to Uma Srikar, another beautiful soul from the same circle!
Thank you Thank you Thank you Universe and Thanks to me for being me! ☺
I shall make another post soon on the little joys of life that we can be grateful for Each and Everyday!!!