"Two boys arrived yesterday with a pebble they said was the head of a dog until I pointed out that it was really a typewriter."
- Pablo Picasso
One of my friends lost his father when he was 14years old; another lost hers when she was just a baby.
Which is better?
And yet another, lost his dad just after his engagement.
A boy lost his left leg in an accident. His brother, in the same accident, lost his life!
Which is better?
A beautiful singer and actress, died when she was at her best. Another passed away well after her best, and when she had almost been forgotten.
Which is better?
A kid passed his exams but did not score well; another failed his exams
Which is better?
Life is full of such questions which we keep answering all through, but, do we really evaluate the situation truly or do we add our own perspective? Don't we prefer to reply to these questions with our own experiences? Don't we prefer to give just those answers that justify what we do and keep increasing our self pity?
Now let's take one of the above as example and see what the protagonist would have responded.
"One of my friends lost his father when he was 14years old; another lost hers when she was just a baby.
Which is better?"
The one who lost his father at 14 would say
"The latter is obviously better! She hardly even know her dad, and so would not have felt the pain of separation, whereas, I have had the best times of my life with him and knew the pain!"
"And yet another, lost his dad just after his engagement.
"Oh! When he is that old, he would know how to handle the situation! He would at least have as much maturity to do so! Not like me...at a young age!"
THIS is perspective. This is the way an average ignorant human being works! And as for the response of the others, you would know better!
It is when we BREAK this barrier of self-pity that we actually see that all difficulties and hardships are one! God has not punished anybody! He has not given difficulties to a chosen few! Nobody is uniquely blessed either!
It is all how you see it! It is all how you take it! It is all how you handle it!
It is all in the PERSPECTIVE!
Perceive yourself to be big and you are big. Perceive yourself to be small, you are small.
Perceive yourself to be a failure, and you would never succeed ever!
Perceive yourself successful, you have never failed, just learnt!