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Showing posts from 2010

Amorous Anonymity

A beautiful warm day Drenched in natural bliss A window with the sun shone Nothing seemed amiss The perfect day it stayed For two eternal souls to meet A mild breeze blew With a flowery fragrance sweet The two met And nothing did occur He was a boy and she was a girl There wasn’t to be anything further It was a normal day When two met new Shook hands, smiled And bid adieu Little did they know What was to be Little did they know They were meant to be Meet again, they sure did This time though, they spoke a bit Of books and music and various topics Of the skies and moon and all the graphics! Moments glided by Memories etched in gold Of an association new A relation untold They held hands together Fought like a sister and brother Yet they were neither A bond that was farther Hydrogen of the periodic table Fire amongst the elements in fable Their love was pure Of a godly nature It was the love of two souls A love of the highest order A love that could match no man A love that needed no bor...

The light of life

You are one of a kind You give me glee Come back my light Come back to me You stayed with me In times of need Asking for you now Is it greed? I know not If you feel the same I know not If you find it lame You gave me comfort You gave me the warmth You showed the way Whether you knew it or not You stayed there Whenever I needed assistance You still do Albeit at a distance The little flame you were A depiction of undying hope Inspiration is what you gave So I could always cope Your absence has left A space dark and empty That cannot be filled By any bounty You are one of a kind You give me glee Come back my light Come back to me


The cloudy skies sing a song With raindrops for the beat Wonderful place A visual treat A job well done Self-appreciation unbound All the feelings wonderful Bountiful I small glitch in between The face shrunk low A thought, a smile It was back to a glow Yearned for a voice For the thought The thought denied The voice defied The rain stayed The voice strayed The skies now gray Moods were at play Eyes went bare Thoughts went numb Rain paused for a while And there was the smile. Back again Dancing to the tunes Over and above Life’s many sand dunes Stay it shall Albeit for a while Stay it shall Even if not a mile For, come what may The choice is yours Pick the smile Or the tears

An Ordinary Man - Prologue

Prologue A s she held his hand, she could sense the pulse falling, slowly, but steadily. Valli was beside her, standing in anxiety, still hoping her husband would open his eyes to her. Akila made her hold his hand; it was probably going to be one of the last times she could do that she feared. Madhu rushed in just then. He saw it in his wife’s eyes that it was all over now. He looked at his mom, who was now holding his dad's still warm hand. Unable to face her, unable to face the fact that his mentor, his auditor, his beloved dad was no more, he kept looking at his face, partly hoping it would be a lie, a bad dream, that he would wake up and sit and everything would be alright, and partly wondering how to face his mom, how to tell her that the one who had been with her for 60yrs now, was no longer to be. The pressure was mounting and he could sense tears flowing down his face already. He tried to control it, tried wiping his face, it just wouldn’t stop. All he could do was ...


You walk with the wind You reach to the depth of my heart You have been with me Right from the start You grew up with me Complemented each other, didn’t we? I’ve always had something new Every time, to discover in you. You are now part of me My life, my soul You are the one That truly makes me whole No force however great Can ever deem us apart For thou shalt live in me Even if we part You make me feel good You make me feel bad You have been through my happiness And when I was sad You make me feel myself Playing your chords from within me Cos you know that, That’s how I like to be! -Dedicated to the Music within.

Thank you God...

God... I wish to thank you For all that you have given me. For the mom who’d give me food before I asked for it For the dad who’d advice me but let me take my own decisions For someone who likes me to have my own secrets God... I wish to thank you. I wish to thank you For the numerous occasions Where you’ve made your presence felt For the numerous gifts That you gave me for a mere thought of it! I wish to thank you. I have to thank you For giving me such wonderful friends at every juncture in life Whenever I needed a shoulder or even to just have some fun! For making me what I am And giving me such a wonderful life to live! I have to thank you. God... I thank you For every thankful thought you put in me For every minute I spend happy For every person you send along in my life To guide me, to be with me, to help me God... I thank you.

The Path

I walk the path in front of me Moving towards nowhere The trees, the birds, the scenic beauty around me Captures my attention to the fullest. Immersed in their beauty I forget my destination But the path is there And nature’s leading me through I keep walking Not knowing wither to But my mind isn’t sceptical My mind isn’t confused I am just my relaxed self On my journey to nowhere It no longer matters where my destiny is I’m there In this moment Where I am At this instant In the midst of this very essence of beauty Dancing to nature’s music To the rhythm of my tapping feet Of the branches swaying in the wind Of the fountain of leaves co-ordinating the tunes I enjoy my solitude In the crowd of natural substance I walk the path of life Enjoying my journey...Unbothered of destiny

The Promise

I promise not to speak I promise to stay quiet and listen To every word pronounced And stay a kitten. I promise to help you I promise to stay I promise to wait For more than a day. Take your time And take mine too For the love we have Very few do. Take me to parties Take me to your friends’ Smile I shall From both ears’ ends. Be the good one, I will. Less talk, sweet smile Looks that can kill. The brand manager Of today’s man. Thy spouse Thy fan. Speak as I will Only on occasions that mandate Speak as I will Only on that particular date. I promise to be by your side In every endeavor. That I abide. But please, do me a favor. Don’t ask me to speak For I shall not. Never after you told me not to Never after we fought.

3 Idiots

A mixture of Chetan Bhaghat’s Five Point Someone and Richard Bach’s Jonathan Livingston Seagull , the movie dwells around a college rebel, who just sees things differently from the others and hence becomes something like an outcast; just that, in the modern world, some find it amusing and hence join hands with him in his acts. Of course, these are not really encouraged by the money-minded (no offense) parents, who have been brought up in such a society, whose upbringing and the so-called society has taught them that money is everything in life. The ultimate goal, and the destiny, and any other synonym you can find for it. The first half of the movie is basically “(A boy’s) Life at a Top Engineering College”, with all necessary details of a common student’s behavior in the dorms and the classrooms and outside. It talks about all the pressure kinds – faculty, peer, parents, ragging and stuff. Just like the novel, these incidents are also not given in unnecessary detail, but given in jus...