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Showing posts from August, 2020
What would it take for me to be the child? To have that sparkle! To have that never waning enthusiasm! To be the curious energy! To be the energy of amusement! What would it take for me To be fun! To be joyous! To be happy all the time? What would it take for me To see happy and sad just for what it is And move ahead nevertheless To just explore right and wrong And may be out of it make a song? What would it take for me To not bother how I look? To not bother how my friends speak? What would it take for me To see me as just me. To be me, Just ME?

The Hyenas

It was a place of lush greenery all around. Birds chirping away, smell of wet earth from the distance, a peacock's voice could be heard in the distance every once in a while. He always felt privileged to be in the lap of mother earth; something not everyone enjoyed. Tall grass and Lantana all around, it was the space of the kings and queens who ruled the place. He had to be careful. He was a mere visitor after all. He would take one step after another, being extra cautious to not disturb even the smallest of animals, lest it disturbed the ecological balance of the place! Walking through the jungle today, amidst barren land that wouldn't have vegetation on it for at least a few years, he suddenly saw a carcass. Walking through the graveyard of what was once a forest, the Tiger's charred carcass was still too much for him to take. He knew it wasn't natural. His body shivered with rage, eyes red with fury. Here's a beautiful being, disfigured beyond recognition, owing ...

Spec of Light

You are perfect! You! Yes, You! What if there's no fat or thin? No fair or dark skin? What if we are all just a spec of light? In a Universe so bright? So what if we know nothing? Or specialized in everything? So what if you are a killer A thief or a burglar? So what if the world revered you or loathed you? After all, the stopped clock is twice right too!    What if everything's just a choice? And you could change and transform like River to Ice? Would you choose to lose? Would you choose to choose?