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Showing posts from 2013

An Ordinary Man - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 After a whole day’s physical and mental strain, she was still in the kitchen, cleaning and readying the kitchen for the next day’s chores. She washed the mixie vessel and the non-stick pan, which would be short-lived in the hands of the maid whose main weapons were Sabena and The tablet foil. She then added just a ladle of curd to a vessel full of milk and let it rest in a corner of the granite slab which acted as her regular work table. She transferred the remaining curd into a smaller vessel and put it near the mixie, which was the only empty spot nearest to the Kitchen door. She still had to put that day’s washed vessels in their allocated locations and fill the “vessel tub” (a tub allocated for vessels to be carried away by the maid) with those to be washed the next day, then ensure nothing unnecessary was still outside, put if any, into the fridge, wipe the granite and gas stove clean without a dot, switch off the gas, put a couple of almonds in a cup of...


Here I am sitting in silence My eyes closed, lips shut My mind clear without a sound   Far away somewhere In the distance I hear a drop Fall to the ground It would probably rain It would probably not Care I don't for neither, rain nor dark   Blissfully Solitaire Calm and composed Casual noises none so profound, none so stark     Few get to be alone Peaceful and in calm cologne Fragrant in nature's perfume Pears, Berries, Flowers and Bloom.

Falling in Love could never be the same

A ll I thought of, was you All day, all night, and in my dreams too Revered was our Love Together holding a treasure trove However could you think of moving on...? I never imagined we weren’t so strong!   Realise I did though, that Am never to get the wonderful dame Move on I did, but... ...Falling in Love could never be the same...