Deep within every individual lives a kid, an innocent child, in his/her most beautiful form. It is this child's manifestation that we see getting expressed every now and then when we see people around us getting into a euphoric state over seemingly minor issues.. We see so many grown-ups acting in a childish or child-like manner. We don't, though, see it happening with everyone; and ofcourse, not all the time. Does this mean it is only in some that this child-like behaviour prevails? Not at all! It is important to understand that the reason for the lack of child-like behaviour in many is not to be attributed to its absence but to its suppression (which is not always intentional). I am sure most will agree with me when i say this. How many amongst our friends and acquaintances through the years would we have met who make us think of how child-like they behave very often? How many have we come across who we saw carrying themselves in such a sophisticated matured way who at some r...